Labour Party Rule Book Cover
Labour Party Rule Book Cover

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was a buzz of excitement following hot on the heels of general election success in Calder Valley. Members came together in good cheer despite it being for a very business like meeting, which is governed by Labour Party rules on several fronts, including participation and voting. Reports from key officers in the previous year were greeted with enthusiasm, full of thanks to our activists, and congratulations to our new Labour MP for Calder Valley, Josh Fenton-Glynn.

The main business of the meeting was to select our officers for the year ahead, not always an easy task given the rules around gender balance that indicate we must have at least 50% women in our 6 key roles, and across all roles.  Happily we achieved this, with the following selected…

Key Officers…

  • Chair: Mark Pitkethly
  • Vice-Chair Campaigns & Membership: Helen Brundell
  • Secretary: Marie Wright
  • Treasurer: John Parkinson
  • Women’s Officer: Rebecca Land Cave
  • Trade Unions Liaison Officer: Roger O’Doherty

Other Officers…

  • Disability Officer: Ann Kingstone
  • LGBT+ Officer: Sarah Courtney
  • Policy Officer: Steve Mitchell
  • Communications Officer: Alex Turner
  • Campaigns Officer: Helen Brundell
  • Membership Officer: Katy Shannon


  • Katy Shannon
  • Roger O’Doherty

We also selected delegates to represent the CLP on the Local Government Committee and on the Building Management Committee.

With the AGM business complete, we had a brief Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) in which we selected our nominees for various national Labour committees, and our delegates for the Labour Party Conference which takes place in Liverpool this coming September.

Then with all business of the evening complete, many of us retired for a celebratory drink in a nearby establishment, where the jovial chatter continued until late!

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